Sunday, 13 July 2014

Chocolate and Oreo Panna Cotta

Chocolate and Oreo Panna Cotta
Do you know what heaven tastes like? Because I do.. CHCOLATE AND OREO PANNA COTTA. Sooo good. 
So I asked my friend about what recipe should I post first on my blog and the first thing that she said was "Panna Cotta!" and at first I went like "Naahhh." but then I thought to myself 'why not give it a try?!' and then I came up with this combination of Chocolate and Oreo Panna Cotta.
Panna cotta, such a fancy name but so easy to make. Trust me, this is the easiest and quickest dessert to make.


  • 300ml Cream
  • 100ml Milk
  • 100 grams Dark chocolate (chopped)
  • 80 grams Sugar
  • 6-12 Oreos
  • 2 teaspoons Gelatin (Vegetarians can use same quantity of agar-agar AKA China grass)
  • 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla extract


  • Take 2 tablespoons of water in a bowl and sprinkle the gelatin on it to activate. Keep aside for 5-10 minutes for it to bloom. 
  • Put the cream, milk and sugar in a pot and cook it on slow fire until the mixture boils. 
  • Remove from the fire and add the chopped chocolate and vanilla extract and stir well till the chocolate is melted completely. 
  • Break the oreos into two pieces (1/2) or four(1/4).
  • Melt the gelatin in a double boiler till the gelatin dissolves. Add the gelatin mixture to the chocolate mixture and stir till well blended. 
  • Finally, throw in the oreo pieces.
  • Strain into moulds and refrigerate for approximately 2-4 hours or Overnight(I refrigerated it overnight). 
  • Unmould and decorate to your taste.

* For those using agar-agar, dissolve the agar-agar in 8 teaspoons of hot water and keep aside for 10 minutes. Bring the mixture to a boil. Simmer for a few minutes. Mix well with the remaining warm ingredients. Pour into moulds and refrigerate for setting.

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